With the hottest day of the year creeping up and surprising us this week, many of us are no doubt suffering from overexposure to the sun. Yes, no matter how old we are or how many times we’ve ended up a nasty shade of lobster-red, we never quite learn our lesson!


While many of you will be reaching straight for the after-sun, why not consider trying out these natural sunburn remedies?



1. A milk/yoghurt compress

The combination of the protein and pH levels in these dairy products work to create an inflammatory effect on your sunburnt skin. While a mask of natural yoghurt will work wonders for your face, try dabbing the rest of your body with a cloth soaked in a milk-ice-water mixture; both are known to bring serious relief.


2. An oatmeal bath

Due to its amazing anti-inflammatory properties, oatmeal is used in many body and beauty product lines – and the good news is that it’s great for treating sunburnt skin, too. An oatmeal bath is a great way to regenerate your body after a bad bout of sunburn, and it couldn’t be simpler to create: just blend down a cup of oatmeal to a fine powder, add it to a running bath, and soak up that goodness.


3. Witch hazel

We are constantly extolling the benefits of witch hazel, and you’ll be glad to hear that they extend to damaged, sunburnt skin. Available in your local pharmacies, health shops and supermarkets; witch hazel contains polyphenols called ‘tannins’ which work to reduce swelling and repair damaged skin. Simply soak cotton wool in a bowl of witch hazel, then dab it to the affected areas of skin.



4. Coconut oil

Yep, you’ve been using it in your cooking, your hair and even the garden; and it seems there is yet another great use for coconut oil: treating sunburn. Due to its high content of fatty acids, coconut oil is great for soothing and restoring moisture to your sun-damaged skin.


5. Aloe vera

We couldn’t publish this list without including aloe vera, the plant which is synonymous with treating sunburn. Aloe vera has amazing healing properties, not only soothing the skin topically but also speeding up the healing process. While there are many over-the-counter aloe vera solutions, nothing is quite as good as tearing open a leaf and squeezing out the plant’s natural liquid.

