Our babies love to make new discoveries each day, but there are some things that they quite clearly prefer to stay the same – and the appearance of their parents well and truly falls under that category.


This has been illustrated in rather heart-breaking detail by a video that has been catapulted to viral status this week.


David is daughter Ruby’s best friend in the whole world, and the beginning of the video shows the pair enjoying a singing session and a little cuddle.



However, things take a turn after David decides to shave off his beard, and from the second that all is revealed to the tiny tot, it’s clear that it may have been a mistake!


At first, Ruby doesn’t really know what to think and studies her dad closely as the cogs in her head turn. It’s not long, however, before she makes her feelings really clear – she hates her dad’s new look!


The poor tot can’t hold the tears back as she struggles to figure out where her dad is, and who this imposter before her really is.


It seems as though this is something of a rite of passage with a tiny tot. God love little Ruby!


SHARE with a fellow dad who has moved their little one to tears with their makeover.


