With exam time around the corner, the chances are that tensions and stress levels are already high in your household, with everyone from parents to students and their siblings affected.


While nerves are completely natural ahead of a big test or exam, it’s important to ensure that our families remain as calm and pressure-free as possible.


With a range of popular and trusted products, Bach’s Rescue Remedy can provide a stress-busting solution for families struggling at exam time.



The essence of calm and tranquility, Bach Rescue Remedy is suitable for all the family and can help parents and students alike to relax, get focused and feel reassured at this stressful time.


The world-famous Rescue Remedy consists of a combination of five Bach Original Flower Essences – Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Cherry Plum – which are specially blended to provide support in times of emotional demand, and can be used anytime, anywhere.



Hydration is important at all times, especially during exam and study time, and adding a few drops of Rescue Remedy to your water bottle can help keep you stay calm and relaxed. While those with a sweet tooth may prefer to try Rescue Remedy Blackcurrant Pastilles or Spearmint Rescue Gum, night owls can also avail of the Rescue Night range including melts, drops and a spray.


For more information on Rescue Remedy and Bach Rescue Remedy products, visit the website at www.bachflower.com.


