OK, we're going to be honest here -  we're proud of ourselves WHENEVER we manage to tend to our prickly (OK, hairy) legs, so we don't often give much thought to the exact time we grab that razer, but according to experts in the field we really should.

According to beauty aficionados cited in a report in Red, if you're desperate to sport a smooth leg which wouldn't look out of place in a television commercial, you need to include your shaving ritual in your pre-bedtime prep.

Experts insist a pre-bedtime shave will provide optimum results as our legs tend to swell and grow a little warmer during the night which means any pesky little hairs you may have missed during your shave will retreat back into the follicle and hide themselves from public view.

In stark contrast, shaving your legs during your morning shower means you're leaving those pins of yours exposed to the elements which causes our skin and pores to tighten in the cold, and ultimately makes any less-than-smooth leg all that more obvious.

Hmmm...it looks like that's one more thing to do before we can finally slip between the sheets tonight. Sigh.


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