Baby blues, nothing prepared me.

Last updated: 09/03/2017 21:14 by Lauralooamy to Lauralooamy's Blog
Filed under: Baby
For the first 2 weeks after having Chester I barely left the house. I was so tired and very emotional. I was totally not prepared for the expected baby blues that hit me. I thought they would come and go as fast as they came. Mine didn’t they lasted a few weeks.

I had heard and read about the baby blues but I honestly was not prepared for the way they hit me. Chester was about 2 days old and suddenly I was randomly crying at anything, and I mean bawling my eyes out. The emotions truly were overwhelming.

I remember me and my husband about 2 weeks after having Chester having an almighty argument over not replacing the toilet roll. I mean how ridiculous, but it’s amazing what sleep deprivation and my emotions can do to you. If your new to being a mum and can relate to this let me tell you its normal and you just need to go with it. I felt better after letting the emotions out but also sharing how I felt with others. It’s then you realise most new mums are feeling the same things. What also surprised me was my husband also experienced heightened emotions during this period.

Don’t be afraid of how you might be feeling. Embrace the emotions the majority of it is caused by changes in your hormones. However if you feel the emotions are not settling, your not coping so well or your mood is very low seek advice from a health care professional. Never feel alone there’s always a solution.
My emotions were extremely intense and like I said lasted intermittently until Chester was about 6 weeks old. I would randomly cry at anything but over time it just stopped and I was no longer feeling so wobbly.

My tips to the baby blues:

Never feel alone always talk to someone you trust.

Understand they are perfectly normal and should pass with time.

If you don’t feel they are passing speak to a health care professional.

Love Laura
eSolution: Sheology
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