Brussels sprouts may help you conceive

Last updated: 06/12/2013 11:35 by CathyMum to CathyMum's Blog
Filed under: Pregnancy
According to new research, tucking into your Brussels sprouts over the festive season can help you conceive.
New studies show that 9% of all conceptions take place in the month of December, making it the most fertile time of year. While many may suggest this is due to the festive parties and increased amount of alcohol consumption, the traditional Christmas vegetable should not be overlooked.
According to Neema Savvides, a nutritional therapist at the Harley Street Fertility Clinic, the small green sprout is “a baby making super food” as it is rich in folic acid and phytonutrients called di-indolylmethane.
Folic acid is important to increase sperm levels and it also helps raise the sperm's survival chances as it lines the womb with the right nutrient.
Savvides says: “They are bursting with folic acid which is essential for boosting fertility in both men and women” but  more importantly, the folic acid present helps to decrease the risk of the unborn baby developing spinal or brain defects.
The phytonutrients present also help bind  “environmental oestrogens, like pesticides and hormones in meat and dairy products, and helps rid the body of excess hormones”  which boosts fertility.
The little green sprout has many other benefits including its ability to help lower cholesterol and its anti-inflammatory properties so make sure you eat plenty this season.
eSolution: Sheology
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