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I make no secret of the fact that we at Madden Mansions got off quite lightly during the snow and ice last winter. Friends and family made it home for Christmas, we didn't slip and break anything, we only missed one day of work and crèche due to weather (and that was while staying with Mrs. M's parents) and were only snow-bound at home once. Even then, it was a really nice day – we had...
Last updated: 19/12/2012
Filed under: Christmas, Family, Just for fun
Play dates are funny things - they sort of creep up on you as you stumble and wobble your way through motherhood and I, for one, have never quite been sure of the rules. So, for what it's worth, here's what I've learnt over the years. When your child is invited to a play date 1. Don't stay for a cup of tea when you drop your child off. The other parent doesn't really want you...
Last updated: 01/11/2012
Filed under: Family
JC Penney is in the midst of a controversy over their new spokesperson, Ellen DeGeneres. The online organisation OneMillionMoms has organised a boycott of JC Penney until they choose a new spokesperson. OneMillionMoms claims that JC Penney is not being “neutral in the culture war” and that their "marketing strategy is to help families shop and receive a good value for their money. Degeneres is...
Last updated: 17/02/2012
Recently, I came across an article published by New York magazine which explores the controversy surrounding becoming a mother at fifty or above. In recent years, more and more women are opting to have children later in life. For some women they want to add to their already established family, while for others it’s a late first pregnancy after pursuing their career. Whatever the reason, the...
Last updated: 14/01/2012
Filed under: Family, Health, Pregnancy
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