Finding Alone Time in a Busy Mummy Schedule

Last updated: 23/05/2015 15:02 by Bennessa to Bennessa's Blog
Filed under: Other
It’s easy to completely forget about your needs when you have a sweet new born baby who needs to spend every minute with you. Fist-time mums often struggle to find time to relax and rejuvenate, but nothing is impossible.

If you’re tired of baby food on your clothes and greasy hair it’s time to sit down for a moment and take a breath. Remember, a happy mum makes for a happy baby!

Make to take a break every now and then and do something for yourself. It will keep you more balanced and prepared for your day-to-day activities. The following are a few tips to help you get some alone time.

Try to Wake Up Before Your Baby

Having some alone time in the morning will give you a chance to have a quiet cup of coffee or a little breakfast and regain your energy. When your family storms into the kitchen you will be ready to start your to-do list.

You may even have a chance to watch a morning show and find inspiration for meals or ways to make your home more pleasant.

Use Naps Smartly

Try to find some time to close your eyes for an hour if your baby is napping. You need to use every opportunity to rest, otherwise you may be exhausted before the day even ends.

Enjoy your little nap and remember that sometimes even 20 minutes can work wonders. If you don’t feel tired, your child’s nap can also be an opportunity to have some “me” time.

Read a book, watch a movie or call your girlfriend to catch up. Yes, you do have a baby but it doesn’t mean you should compromise your social life completely.

Have Dinner with Friends

Remember to always keep a balance between being a mum and being you. If your friends invite you for a dinner in a fancy restaurant, go and have fun. Enjoying little pleasures can’t be bad if they make you happy; besides, it wouldn’t be healthy to disconnect from friends who give you love and support. New mums might feel a bit insecure about their bodies but the right outfit can help you hide problem areas and highlight the positive aspects of your figure.

Ask your friends to go for a shopping-date or simply order a sexy dress online. When it is time to get ready, take a long shower, treat yourself to a refreshing facial and add sparkly accessories to finish the look.

Find a New Hobby

As a new mum you might not have time to enjoy the same activities you have in the past. Find something that fits your new schedule and is fun to do.

Women tend to be good multi-taskers and now could be the perfect time to use this special talent. Try knitting while you watch baby play, or take up photography to take photos whilst pushing baby’s pram at the park.

Enjoy every moment with your baby but never forget to set aside time for yourself. Balancing both of your worlds will help you become a better mum.
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