Had a bad day?

Last updated: 28/03/2015 15:12 by mumathome to mumathome's Blog
Filed under: Toddlers
Despite my recent resolve to keep my cool a little more with my 2 year old, today was one of those days where I found myself sitting in my car with him in the car park of a shopping centre while he slept in order to get just half an hour peace.

The day started somewhat early (5.30am) but we had a reasonably pleasant morning with him in his pushchair walking into town in the sunshine and mooching round some shops.

When he began to close his eyes on the way home I decided that an early naptime would be in order (now 11.00am) so we got home and went to lie down. I had recently decided I would have a sleep with him when I was particularly tired, and being the perfect opportunity, that is exactly what I planned for today.

At this point his awkward mode set in and despite having been tired there was absolutely no way he was about to go to sleep. I got annoyed that he would not sleep, probably mostly due to the fact I wanted to sleep too. This, of course, made the situation worse, I mean really, who in their right mind gets annoyed with a 2 year old for not sleeping, as if that’s going to help!!

So, eventually, I decided, we would get up, do some jobs and have some lunch, he clearly did not want to sleep. I have recently read an article about giving them choice regarding nap times and as he is now over 2 and a half I was vaguely thinking that maybe he just didn’t need a nap today.

By the time 2 o clock came he had turned into a miniature monster! He would not do ANYTHING I asked him to. In fact I firmly believe he was doing all he could to do things he knows he is not supposed to. Yes, I know he’s only 2 but I am pretty sure he is capable of this. He would absolutely not go back upstairs to lie down, and when his protests to this suggestion turned into thrashing around on the floor and shouting uncontrollably, I snapped and shouted at him AGAIN!! This in turn led to more tears and me at the end of my tether.

So, knowing he was now not just tired but completely exhausted, I put him in the car and drove. It didn’t take long for the tears to stop and for him to fall fast asleep. Once he did so, I stopped at the nearest convenient place which happened to be the shopping centre car park and shut my eyes. While I sat there in the blissful silence I reflected on our day.

I was disappointed with myself, this situation was my making not his. However, I tried to think of some positives I could take from it

· I have learnt that he is NOT able to make his own choice regarding nap times, and yes he most definitely does still need his nap.

· He will learn that nobody is perfect, even his doting mother can mess things up and do a rubbish job some days.

· I have (yet again) strengthened my resolve to stay calmer, pick my battles and remember he is only 2 and his behaviour is perfectly normal. It is me who needs to do better not him.
eSolution: Sheology
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