Horse Riding and your Child

Last updated: 15/08/2014 11:05 by RuthFountain to RuthFountain's Blog
Filed under: Hobbies
Riding horses is an extremely rewarding hobby which can arm children with lifetime skills and a lifelong love of horses. Here are some reasons saying yes to horse riding lessons for your child are a fantastic idea:

Get fit and outdoors
Learning to ride is a fantastic way to get your kids eyes away from a screen and into nature; it encourages them to keep active and gives them the opportunity to enjoy a bit of countryside air and scenery. You never know, it might spark a love for exploring and passion for animals that they may not have had previously. In encouraging a hobby rooted in the outdoors and possibly in a place where there is no phone signal, should help ease your offspring’s dependence on the technology.
Surprisingly, horse riding can be classed as exercise; it works the abdominals, back, thighs, calves, shoulders and arms. One hour of horse riding can burn around one hundred calories.

Improves posture, coordination and balance skills
Good posture is essential for horse riding because the way that you sit on the saddle has a direct impact on overall balance and ability to control the horse. A good seat on a horse – sitting up straight, is likely to translate to everyday life which is much better than slouching! Riding a horse significantly improves both coordination and balance, it will help your child become much more aware of their body and how they can use it. You might even notice your child beginning to walk move and even sit more gracefully after riding practice.

Respect, Confidence and Responsibility
Mastering the challenge of horse riding is fantastic for developing a child’s self-confidence. The ability to control an animal more than twice their size requires bravery, learning and dexterity. Riding a horse also teaches a child respect, if the child is to be safe and successful in their first few lessons, they must respect the horse and be aware that they are taking part in something that is not fully in their control. Riding lessons are also a fantastic way of developing a child’s sense of responsibility. Before, during and after a ride, people are expected to care for their horse, from checking the equipment and saddling to feeding and brushing down, it is all essential to maintain the horse’s health.
Riding schools will teach everything a child needs to know about horses, from learning to ride to taking care of them. For more advanced riders, some riding schools will even educate pupils about equine health and horse supplements

So, if your child has been badgering you about learning to ride and you have the time and the money to maintain this new hobby, then there is no reason not encourage this new interest. It is perfectly safe and can be enjoyed by the whole family.
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