Household chores won't make you thin

Last updated: 18/10/2013 10:22 by CathyMum to CathyMum's Blog
Filed under: Nutrition & Fitness
Do you count the hours you spend doing housework as exercise time?
The World Health Organisation’s official claim that household chores kept people active has been quashed by new research.
A study carried out at the University of Ulster found that people who listed “domestic physical activity” as a significant portion of the physical activity were also the largest of the participants.
Professor Marie Murphy who worked on the study said: "We found housework was inversely related to leanness, which suggests that either people are overestimating the amount of moderate-intensity physical activity they do through housework or are eating too much to compensate for the amount of activity undertaken."
What do you think? Are household chores keeping you fit? Does extra exercise need to be undertaken?
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