How far would you go for the perfect picture?

Last updated: 09/12/2013 11:25 by MumtoAbby to MumtoAbby's Blog
Filed under: Kids like ours
How far would you go for the perfect picture of your little prince or princess?
A new Nebraska-based Etsy shop allows parents retouch their kid's face, with some of the features allowing you to put make-up on them.
The new Number8DesignStudio allows you to pick between varying levels of editing such as glitz, semi glitz or natural glitz. Features include “enhancing eyes, adding make-up, spray on tan, smoothing skin, highlights in hair, whitening of teeth, etc.” Mums can add hairstyles to the photographs and are even able to switch the background. 
Only recently, the public fought against allowing Universal Royalty’s Irish pageant to take place and France bannned beauty contests for kids. These days, the pressure on kids to look a certain way is huge and this new shop just adds fuel to the fire. 
eSolution: Sheology
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