Longer school hours could boost the standard of education

Last updated: 31/01/2014 10:59 by CathyMum to CathyMum's Blog
Filed under: Learnings & Education
Prime Minister David Camron is planning to have schools open from 9am until 6pm and school holidays reduced to seven weeks, because he thinks it may boost education standards.
While a scheme like this would cause a lot of controversy for teachers, government sources are saying these plans will probably not be adopted.
A Department for Education spokesperson said: “Many Academies and Free Schools offer extended opening hours, and we want more schools to take up these freedoms. We will obviously consider recommendations for further reforms.”
Even though a lot of schools already have the freedom to set up their own term dates and change the length of summer holidays, not a lot of schools have been exercising their freedom to do so.
It’s been reported that ministers are very keen to see schools take up the opportunity, because longer hours will have children better prepared for work in the future as well as keeping them off streets and more focused on homework.
Whether the plans to go extend school hours and cut summer holidays will go ahead or not, the Department of Education remain open-minded about new ideas for further reform.
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