Loving the Moment....

Last updated: 10/05/2013 22:18
There is an amazing lady in Australia who lives her life being a "Be A Fun Mum" - she has amazing ideas and her slogan is “Love the Moment”. I asked her to elaborate on what Love the Moment means to me as a mother.  “By loving the little moments, I experience snippets of happiness and joy around me, which in turn help me to see Motherhood for what it is: a collection of small moments, like pieces of a puzzle, together creating a beautiful masterpiece.”
Often, this is how my conversations go:
“Hi, how are you?”
“Fine, fine. And how are you?”
“Yeah, good thanks.”
“What have you done this week?”
“Um, well, ah, I’ve been REALLY busy but I can’t remember what I’ve achieved.”
Weeks fly by and I have nothing physical to show for it. I sometimes feel disheartened. By loving the little moments, I experience snippets of happiness and joy around me, which in turn, help me to see Motherhood for what it is: a collection of small moments, like pieces of a puzzle, together creating a beautiful masterpiece.
Below are some of my “Love the Moment” moments:
  • Seeing the homemade tissue paper rose my daughter made for Mothers Day.
  • Spontaneous Snuggles
  • Watching my girls enjoy technology in a way I could only have imagined when I was a girl.
  • Night time kisses on the forehead when they are fast asleep.
  • My GM telling me I "look pretty today"
  • Snuggling up on the sofa watching the Sound of Music
  • Rare lie in's when I realise it's 8am when I wake.....where is everyone?
  • The chocolate dusted, creamy top of a hot chocolate.
  • Any my girls memories of Summer holidays
I make a conscious effort to treasure these moments.
I draw on the little treasures when things are tough; when I feel like I’ve achieved nothing; when I feel like a servant and everyone wants a piece of me; on the days I get up like a robot repeating the same thing, over and over again.

I draw on the moments and remember, it’s all worth while.
eSolution: Sheology
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