No More Mummy Tummy!

Last updated: 20/05/2013 09:15 by pregnancyexercise to pregnancyexercise's Blog
Filed under: Nutrition & Fitness
I always like to try and educate as many mums as posible, especially on the subjects that matter.

A huge problem for many mums is getting rid of their 'Mummy Tummy'

Mums can be up to 2-3 years post birth and back to their pre pregnancy weight but still have a tummy! This can be so frustrating argh!
Its common so don't worry and you are definitley not alone but guess what it can be fixed. You just need to do the correct exercise and change your posture. My program has had sucess with women who have had 5+ kids and they see their Mummy Tummies shrinking after just a couple of weeks of following.

Have you heard of the term diastasis recti (DR)?
DR is Abdominal Muscle Separation and I am going to talk about the DR that happens during pregnancy. Your abdominal muscles separate due to the force of your uterus pushing upwards. Separation starts to occur from 30 weeks but a DR can start much earlier especially if you do the wrong exercise, have poor posture or have not closed your DR before a subsequet pregnancy.

You will not get rid of your 'Mummy Tummy' if you crunch, plank, push up or do pilates 100's pre or post pregnancy. In fact you can make it much much worse!

Poor posture, holding and carrying babies incorrectly will also increase your 'Mummy Tummy'.

What You Need to do
You need to go right back to basics so I have put together this awesome playlist of 5 video's for you. It includes a test so you can test to see if you have a DR, exercises to avoid, the first exercise you need to do plus exercises to heal your DR.
The No More Mummy Tummy Playlist: MZz0pw9GXYnxOOUAPzf3F

Women from 5 days post birth up to 5 years post can start on this program, check it out.

If you have any questions please comment

I am a Pre and Post Natal Exercise & Health Specialist with more than 20 yers experience. Owner of Pregnancy website: Blog: m Twitter: Mummytrainer
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