One-third of shoppers abandon store due to self-service tills

Last updated: 15/10/2013 10:37 by CathyMum to CathyMum's Blog
Filed under: Money & Finance
A new survey has found one-third of consumers have abandoned their grocery shopping in supermarkets due to a push towards self-service tills.
Major supermarkets have cut back on traditional checkouts in favour of self-service machines, claiming they’re faster and more convenient.
However, with more than half of consumers saying it takes longer to get through the self-scan till than it does a normal one and 60% saying they prefer using staffed tills, it appears shoppers don’t share this view.
Bugbears include the machine’s irritating ‘warning voice’ and a failure by stores to provide clear queuing areas, which has led to queue skipping and disagreements.
What do you think? Have you had problems with self-service tills? Do you prefer staffed check-outs?
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