Parents use technology to occupy children

Last updated: 27/11/2013 10:40 by MumtoAbby to MumtoAbby's Blog
Filed under: Health, Toddlers
More and more parents are turning to technology in order to occupy their children.
A poll carried out on behalf of Cbeebies’ Mr Tumble, found that the majority of parents think it is more important to “start with technology from a young age,” with 27% of dads relying on tablets to babysit their children, followed by 12% of mums.
Overall, more than half of parents regularly use technology to entertain their children and only a small number said they never allow their young ones to play on a computer.
According to the National Literacy Trust, most kids now prefer to read on screens than from books and as a result, are left with weaker literacy skills.
Other surveys revealed that tablets are becoming a “must-have” accessory for toddlers, with 50% of British two and three-year-olds using one.
Allan Johnson, the creator of Mr Tumble, said: “The only thing I would say is, like anything in life, it’s all about offering your child a balanced diet. So although tablets definitely have a positive role to play in modern family life, there should also be times when you revert to more traditional forms of social interaction.”
As with most things, the rule is “everything in moderation”.
eSolution: Sheology
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