Royal Baby Watch

Last updated: 18/07/2013 11:27 by shelliebob to shelliebob's Blog
Filed under: Just for fun
Don't get me wrong - I'm on Royal Baby Watch as much as the next person. But of all the things that the Duchess of Cambridge will have to endure, I think this, for now of course, is probably the worst. I remember being pregnant with my first little one, and I was a bag of anxious nerves. I wanted my little one to arrive safe and healthy, but I was also so fearful of the unknown. I didn't want friends or relatives to be around me the day I went into hospital, just my DH. But I knew once I got to the hospital, I was just another lady having a baby, they put me at ease and got on with their job, and they didn't remark or react when I went through that dignity stripping experience that is labour. 
I cannot imagine what Kate must be thinking. I know it's a different world for her, and she has had a (brief) time to get used to it. But I wonder if you do get used to it. And I wonder how she deals with all the usual fears and foibles we pregnant ladies have, as well as the likes of this outside your hospital bedroom.
eSolution: Sheology
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