Sex-boosting pill for women that can help with weight loss

Last updated: 13/01/2014 10:32 by MumtoAbby to MumtoAbby's Blog
Filed under: Other
For many years, drug companies have tried to create a Viagra for women. However, a woman’s psychological state set determines whether or not she wants to have sex so companies have found it increasingly hard to develop the right product.
Today, researchers are testing a drug that could boost a woman’s libido for up to two hours – and also help them shed a few pounds.
The drug, which is a synthetic version of melatonin, will increase the brain’s desire to have sex. Usually associated with tanning, melatonin is also a hormone that can affect a person’s appetite and libido.
Although drug companies were always aware of the role this hormone plays on a person’s sex drive, they were unable to find a way to package it. However, with the help of the people behind Viagra, this pill could hit the UK cabinets by the end of next year.
Mike Wyllie is one of the brains behind this development and he thinks that the drug being developed by British firm ORLIBID could be a success.
Sex therapist, Paula Hall thinks that while women would buy a ‘pink’ Viagra, it is not the solution for a low libido caused by stress, anxiety or relationship problems.
It could go both ways ladies – patience is a virtue.
eSolution: Sheology
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