Time spent in front of screens linked to children's mental health

Last updated: 28/08/2013 10:36 by CathyMum to CathyMum's Blog
Filed under: Health
A new report from Public Health England says spending too much time in front of television, DVDs and computer games is taking its toll on children's physical and mental health.
The agency, which is encouraging families to adopt healthier behaviour, says children who spend more time watching screens tend to have higher levels of anxiety and depression.
Youngsters who spent less than one hour a day playing computer games were almost three times more likely to say they enjoyed good wellbeing than those who played four hours or more.
Interestingly those who shared an evening meal with their family at least six times a week were more likely to be happy.
Health leaders are using growing evidence to promote the message that more physical activity will improve children’s concentration in school, help them enjoy better relationships with classmates and improve their mental health.
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