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US researchers have found midday naps can help pre-school children remember what they learned that morning. Children who went without a midday sleep did worse on memory tests than those who napped. Those who napped saw no change in their morning score of 75%, but the ones who stayed awake fared worse, with an average score of 65%. Researchers are warning carers and nurseries that phase out midday...
Last updated: 24/09/2013 by MumtoAbby to MumtoAbby's Blog
Hello fellow mummys. My nearly 3 year old (June 1st) daughter Ava is extremely hyper. I mean EXTREMELY hyper. her concentration is terrible, her temper is really bad and she just wont listen (this is beyond terrible 2s) nothing seems to calm her down but after a lot of rearch and monitoring her behavouir all this is down to certain food and drinks she has been getting. Alot of kids can maybe...
Last updated: 13/05/2013 by MCCARVILX to MCCARVILX's Blog
Filed under: Toddlers
God here we go another day another tantrum at dinner time. My 3 year old son just will not eat. well if i gave him ice cream and chocolate all day he would eat it until the cows come home but other than that u would sware i was making him eat brussel sprouts. At this stage my head is not going to back down and just let him eat junk food either. I have tried the whole bribary thing but it...
Last updated: 03/04/2013
Filed under: Toddlers
I don't claim to have the perfect children. And to be fair, I don't know many mums (or dads) who could. And I'm not the perfect mum either, not by a long stretch. But I do have rules. And one of those rules is having manners at the dinner table. I was brought up in a large family, and we always ate as a family, and I remember a few things quite clearly. Firstly, there was never any...
Last updated: 05/03/2013
Filed under: Toddlers
hey mummys Ava will be 3 on June 1st........Can anyone suggest some great gifts? learning ones would be fab.
Last updated: 13/02/2013 by MCCARVILX to MCCARVILX's Blog
Filed under: Toddlers
Yeah, I think I know where your mind will go when you read this line…white dress wedding, church and a happily-ever-after couple riding into the sun… Well, I will go on and admit I’m a bit of a romantic and I still have this very vow saved for safe keeping along with our wedding invitation and our wedding photo album somewhere. But it’s not there that my mind goes where I hear this...
Last updated: 24/02/2012
Filed under: Toddlers
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