UK children could be the unhappiest in the world

Last updated: 20/01/2014 10:23 by MumtoAbby to MumtoAbby's Blog
Filed under: Other
As children grow older, they are faced with increasing pressures to look, act and be a certain way. The burden of conforming to social pressures has gotten so bad that UK youngsters could possibly be the unhappiest in the world.
A survey conducted by YoungMinds, a mental health awareness website for children, suggests that the fear of failure, bullying and the stress of being more attractive could be reasons for their unhappiness.
When 2,000 youngsters between the ages of 11 and 25 were questioned for the study, it was found that more than half of students in school thought that achieving bad exam results meant they would be a failure in life.
Of those surveyed, a shocking 50% of 11 to 14 year olds also admitted to viewing online porn. Four out of ten then went on to say it had an effect on their friendships.
Even more shocking, 40% said that they skip meals because they fear gaining weight.
According to Lucie Russell, YoungMinds campaigns director, we are "sitting on a mental health time bomb."
She explained: “Young people tell us they experience a continuous onslaught of stress at school, bullying, sexual pressures and bleak employment prospects. When this becomes too much for them they don’t know where to turn for help and when they do often the support just isn’t there for them.”
Let’s keep an eye on our little ones and remind them that we love them just as they are.
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