Warning: This adorable video may make you cry

Last updated: 13/12/2013 10:56 by MumtoAbby to MumtoAbby's Blog
Filed under: Just for fun
There are very few things that are sweeter than watching your child on stage during their school Christmas play. However, when you're five-year-old Claire Koch's parents, you have even more of a reason to gush.
The little girl’s parents are both deaf, so she signed the entire Christmas recital so that mum and dad could enjoy it properly. 
Claire’s mum Lori, who uploaded the clip to YouTube, can lip read, but her husband only sign.
The sweetest part of this story is that Claire’s parents didn’t ask her to do it and even though her first language is American Sign Language, they didn't  know it was going to happen.
The video is so adorable - we tear up every time we watch it. 
eSolution: Sheology
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