What is she thinking?

Last updated: 06/01/2012 16:16
Filed under: Celebrity Gossip
I don't suppose any of us have the right to comment ... but if you're gonna put your life out on twitter, then you gotta expect to be commented upon, so here goes. What in the world is Sinead O'Connor thinking ... ? I was pretty surprised at her appearance on the Late Late last year regarding finding a husband, but I kinda ignored it, thinking "each to their own". I was further surprised that a short while later she was reported to have gotten hitched to a guy she knows only months, but hey, I figured she was a hopeless romantic and again, "each to their own". I was a little sad to hear of their break-up, and I confess to thinking 'well come on now, what do you expect', but again just figured, "each to their own".

But I draw the feckin line at her latest forray on twitter regaling all who will read it, about her recent 'reunification' wiht her current husband.

A few points Shinners:

1) I don't need to know EXACTLY what you're doing - I unfollowed you on Twitter ages ago because you bugged me so much with your peurile comments and arguments. Grow up.

2) Don't you DARE ask for privacy on any matter ever again. And if you do, don't expect to get it.

3) Can't you just be happy that you might have a chance to work things out with your latest beau, and enjoy that time in private. Again, at the risk of repeating point no. 1) above, I don't need to know EXACTLY what you're doing at all times.

I like Sinead O'Connor and I've always enjoyed listening to her music. I often thought she was a lost soul and that nobody (and definitely not the media) gave her a chance. But it seems that is not so. With the dawn of Twitter, you can get a 'real' insight into what celebrities do and say, and as such, what they are really like. And as for Sinead O'Connor and for what my tuppence is worth, it's changed my view of her, which is a bit annoying, because I like her, well now I guess it's more that I want to like her. But her comments on Twitter are cringe worthy, and I mean nothing to her and she to me ... heaven forbid I consider for a momemt what her kids think. Or what the mates of her kids say to them. Oh for the shame. And I'm not naive, I'm sure there are plenty of mums out there with closets full of embarassing moments and you can be damn sure none of them are tweeting about them.

I wish you the best Sinead, I really do, but consider a self filter.
eSolution: Sheology
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