Women post to Facebook much less after giving birth

Last updated: 11/02/2014 10:28 by CathyMum to CathyMum's Blog
Filed under: Other
Those without children may tell you to calm it down a few notches with the baby pictures on Facebook. However, it appears that baby-related posts aren’t actually as widespread as they seem.
A new study found that the reason why people feel like Facebook is crowded with baby pictures is because the more likes they get the more they appear on newsfeeds.
Meredith Morris, the author of the study, said: “As an educated guess, the more likes and comments a post gathers, the higher probability there is that that post will appear in other people’s newsfeeds.”
The study, which looked at the Facebook activity of over 400 new mums, found that mums usually post around the time of their child’s birth. After a couple of weeks, the number of baby-related posts start to drop, so mothers actually post much less once they begin to embark on motherhood.
“I think there's a sense in the popular media that it's just all babies, babies, babies,” added Mrs Morris. “But, in fact, posting about the baby is only a relatively small portion of what mothers are doing.”
Perhaps childless friends should cut mothers a bit of slack.
eSolution: Sheology
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