Going back to work is tough for a lot of mums, whether they want to head back or not.


Leaving your little one for the first time is a rollercoaster of emotions and you will no doubt go through a number of feelings before you have even set foot in the office.


If you are heading back soon or will be in the next few months, don’t be surprised if you experience a few of the following:


1. Sadness

Even if you love your job and your colleagues, it is not unusual to feel sad that the time has come to go back. Leaving your little one is going to be tough so don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to be honest with how you feel.


2. Resentment

If going back is out of financial necessity rather than a choice, you can feel a little resentful that others can stay off while you have to go back. Face this feeling head on otherwise it will fester and make you feel angry.


3. Relief

For some mums, going back to work can actually be a break from daily domestic chores and something they really look forward to. For those who don’t want to stay at home or who thrive in the work environment it can actually be a relief to be heading back. Don’t feel guilty for feeling this way though – it doesn’t make you a bad parent or any less of a mum.



4. Excitement

After being at home it can be exciting to face a new challenge, getting stuck into something you love and even facing the tough yet wonderful world of the working mum!


5. Guilt

Whether you want to go back to work or not, many mums can experience overwhelming feelings of guilt. Guilt that you are leaving your little baby, guilt that you actually want to go back and even guilt that you financially need to go back. Unfortunately, guilt and motherhood go hand-in-hand, but as long as your little one is happy and safe there is no need to feel bad.


6. Fear

It can be scary trying to figure out how you are going to juggle a job and a family or even leaving your youngster with someone new, and many mums can be a little fearful as they approach the day they are due back. Talk to someone about your concerns and never hide how you feel from anyone.  



7. Anger

Whether it’s anger that you can’t take more time off, anger that your boss won’t let you work from home or anger that you financially have to go back, it is vital you voice your thoughts to someone you trust. Being open and honest can give you a sense of perspective and, just like with feelings of resentment, allowing it to fester will make you feel a lot worse.


8. Happiness

While undeniably tough, being able to go back to work and be a mum to your children is the best of both worlds for many mothers, and going back can be a really happy time. 




