The kids just love getting their hands dirty, and this cool rainbow cloud craft is guaranteed to get their creative juices flowing.


What you will need:

  • Microwave
  • Bar of Ivory soap
  • Food colouring
  • Dropper/ pipette
  • Knife


Due to the way in which it is manufactured, Ivory soap contains lots of trapped air which expands outwards when you place it in the microwave. While Ivory soap is a common enough find in US pharmacies, it can be purchased easily online.



What to do:

  1. Cut your Ivory bar in half using a knife, to create two ‘clouds’.
  2. Place one half on a plate and stick it into the microwave. In under a minute, you will witness your soap expanding up like a fluffy cloud, and two minutes should be long enough. Repeat the step with the other half of the soap bar.
  3. Remove your ‘clouds’ and place them to one side while you create your colours. This can be done by mixing food colouring with a little water, diluting to create the shade of your choice.
  4. Fill the pipette or dropper with the colour, then drop it onto various sections of the clouds.


Images via Pinterest


