Have an action-loving tot with a big imagination? Why not fuel their playtime with a super-fun DIY jet-pack?!


What you will need:

  • 2 two-litre empty plastic bottles
  • Silver spray paint
  • Cardboard
  • Webbing
  • Felt (red, orange or yellow)
  • Glue gun
  • Stapler



What to do:

  1. Take a length of cardboard that will fit across your child’s shoulder blades and cut four slits at each corner.
  2. Take two lengths of webbing big enough to fit around your child's arms comfortably, and slip them in through the slits at each side for straps, securing with staples.
  3. Take your bottles and spray them with silver spray paint. Leave to dry.
  4. Cut out your felt flames: two red, and one orange. Layer them on top of each other, with the orange on top, and glue to secure.
  5. Using your glue gun, glue them into the top of the bottles. Then, it’s up, up and away!


Images via Pinterest.


