Ingrown hair is when hair on your body doesn’t grow normally - it actually curls back in on itself.
It can be frustrating, not to mention irritating, but these tips should help to prevent it and get rid of it once and for all.
When shaving your legs, don’t shave too closely to the skin, use a sharp blade, go in the direction of your hair growth and don’t do it too frequently.
If you have a lot of dead skin cells clogging up hair follicles, you need to exfoliate the area at least once a week. Dry brushing is great for this.
You are more inclined to get ingrown hair if you wax, so make sure you exfoliate and moisturise straight after.
Ensure your skin is soft and smooth by moisturising daily. This will help hairs to push up through the skin rather than grow back on themselves.
If the hair is slightly peeking out of the skin you can pluck it out; however, don’t do this if it hasn’t quite managed to break through the skin.

