Dear Reception Teacher 


RT (do you mind if I call you that?), there are some things that you need to know. I realise you've been doing this job for donkey's years. There's not much that you don't know about children. You've encountered all sorts of personalities and brought the most unruly into line. I know that. I respect that. But this little fuzzy haired blonde in the line? She's mine. 


I know that all children are special. I know that every mum standing in line with their child will be giving you the same doleful, anxious eyes as they hand their child over to begin their school career. I know you don't want to see our tears or take on board our anxiety. And you're right: We're adults and your concern is educating our babies.


But that's just it. These are our babies. Medium has only just turned four. She's the youngest in the year. You don't care if she can write her name (she can't), but you'd like her to be able to dress herself and wipe her own bottom. She tries, I promise, but it's hit or miss. She is only just four. I don't always see the capable little girl that she's growing into. Sometimes I still see the big blue eyes staring out of her baby blanket and remember the first day that beautiful face broke into a smile. 


That face smiles a lot. She's a cheerful soul. She's the kindest child I've ever known, always first to pick up her sisters if they've fallen, ready with a kind word if her brother is crying and happily approaches other children to join in her games. She's great at sharing and she makes friends easily. 


Her imagination is incredible. Her role-play is legendary, with her often staying in character for weeks. And when she's in character, so is everyone else. It can be exhausting.


She sounds a dream, right? Not always. She's complicated. Medium feels things so deeply and she's easily hurt. A slight from you will take her weeks to get over. If a friend says a harsh word, it wounds her. She doesn't retaliate. She doesn't fight back. She just takes her hurt and stores it away. So, please... Please don't let her get hurt. 


She worries; she really worries. She's worried about starting school, and change unsettles her. She's a homebody at heart; her favourite times are when she has her family around her in her own home. She's going to find starting school tough. I won't be there and, as far as she's concerned, a few minutes on Mummy's Lap can end wars. Mummy's Lap won't be there, and that makes the knot in my tummy twist. 


You need to know that she still sleeps with her cuddly Horse, now somewhat loved a bit too much. She'll shout for him if she's hurt herself. Is it okay to pop him in her backpack or is that too 'baby'? Remember, she is my baby after all. 


I know you're great and I know how well you took care of Big, but I look at my newly four-year-old Medium and she just seems so young to be joining the playground throng so soon. 


So RT, I give you my Medium and I beg you to remember that Big School is a big deal - not just for Medium, but for me too. I beg you not to change her. She's awesome as she is. 




Second-time Reception Mum x

Powered By Cake follows the sleep deprived ramblings of a mum of four of five and under. Having conceived pixies one to three via IVF ICSI and being told that a natural conception was less likely than winning the lottery jackpot, #4 was a complete surprise and consequently coined the moniker of The Miracle. Powered by Cake includes parenting tales, recipes (mainly for cakes, naturally) and reviews of family-friendly travel destinations.
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