Being a new mum is really hard – all of a sudden you don’t have the time or energy to do the things that used to seem so simple. Sometimes though, if you’re really on a roll, you get stuff done. Here are eight examples of the simple things that can seem like major achievements to a new mum.
Uninterrupted sleep
Even just a couple of hours of uninterrupted sleep is a big deal when you have a newborn baby.
You get the nappy on in one go
No peeling off the sticky bit and starting over – you got it right the first time. It’s a pretty big milestone in a new mum’s life.
You’ve left the house
Leaving the house is a big deal when you’re a new mum – it takes a lot of effort. If you managed to get out even once during the week, congratulations, you are most definitely winning.
You’ve washed your hair
And not just with dry shampoo either, you actually stood under the shower and used proper shampoo. What a luxury.
You fed yourself
It’s easy to forget about feeding yourself when you’re so busy looking after a baby. If you managed to get at least two of your five a day, you really are ahead of the game.
The kitchen is clean
Even if it only stays clean for five minutes, the fact that it was clean at all is a big deal. You should probably take a photo, for the good memories.
You spoke to a friend about something other than babies
When you’re living in a world of nappies and bottle feeds, it’s hard to think about anything else. If you managed to hold down a conversation about anything else at all, give yourself a pat on the back.
You watched an entire episode of Corrie
This is no small task. If you managed to drink a cup of tea at the same time, you are an inspiration. 

