Get your self-love on: 10 body positive mamas to follow on Instagram

Slowly but surely, the world is changing. Us mums have stood up and given the middle finger to beauty standards that we no longer wish to accept and we cannot bear the thought of our daughters facing the age-old scrutiny of the mom-bod. 

However, it can be tough to stay on the body-positive train. Society gives us a smack on the arse every few days, to rudely remind us that the toxicity still exists.

Trying to convince ourselves we are beautiful in a world that seems to tell us otherwise is EXHAUSTING- especially when you've spent the day raising humans.

To help you immerse yourself in vibes that will get you feeling loved up about yourself, we have come up with a list of 10 body positive mammas- a mix of comedians and self-love gurus- who tell it like it is!


AKA: Riona -The Unnatural Woman. You MUST follow this hilarious Cork mamma on FB or Insta for giggles and positive vibes about body image and parent-shaming. She also busts myths about what proper parents 'should' be doing and puts her hilarious thoughts to music with parodies that will have you in stitches!


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Another funny mamma to add to your sparkling new newsfeed. Tova lives in London and tends to get very real about the behind-the-scenes of parenthood. She is also into the art of parody and hilariously recreates celebrity workouts with her husband. One of her mantras is #REALISSEXY- one all us mamas could do with. Check out her FB page here.


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No explanation needed for this incredible human. If you don't already follow Serena get on it NOW, to inspire your inner AND outer strength.


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An Irish DJ, writer, mum and beauty columnist, who battled cancer four years ago. Louise is here to educate us about toxic weight loss and other body positive ideas. She is a realist, has the strength of 1,000 Irish mammies, and her Insta is a treasure trove for mums seeking solidarity in mental health and body positivity. 


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If you are looking for dreamy peaceful shots that incorporate the #bopo movement, look no further than Anupa King. This stunning Insta queen is a mum-of-two living in Canada, who documents her life as a parent with the stunning photography. She wears her mummy tummy like a pro and shows her gorgeous kids how fabulous her post-partum body is- something we should all aim to do as we take back our body confidence.


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This Aussie mama is a writer, actor and a comedian- and you might know her for her hilarious recreations of celeb photos. She has become an inspiration to mums everywhere showing that that candid shot we see of the perfect Insta mum is a myth worth taking the p*ss out of.


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Allison is ALL about #bopo movement, posting gorgeous bikini pics on the reg and showing off every perfect stretch mark that motherhood gifted her with. Follow this self-love expert to boost your own self-lovin' 


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@stylemesundayNatalie Lee is a British Insta mum who is all about the 'fashion with feeling'. If you need inspo, Natalie will give it to you in abundance and glitter your feed with authentic and beautiful body positive pics!


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Laura Mazza is a feisty and hilarious mental health advocate who gets real about PND and the woes of motherhood. She tells it like it is and inspires us mammas to do the same- a must for your #bopo FB feed!


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The deliciously funny British sweetheart has become a body positive icon over the last few years, posting beautiful pics of life with her two boys. Stacey is all about the realism and shows every lump and bump she has as well as stunning make-up-less shots. Follow Stacey to brighten your days!


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With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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