Looking for a name for your baby to mark the festive season, WITHOUT going for something obvious like Jesus?


Whether it's a subtle nod to the season or something really obscure, we've got plenty for you to choose from. 


1. Angelica - meaning messenger


2. Belle - meaning beautiful


3. Berry - a colour 


4. Carol - meaning song of happiness


5. Christina - meaning follower of Christ 


6. Clara - meaning clear, bright 


7. Eva - meaning life 


8. Esther - meaning star 


9. Gabriella - meaning woman of God


10. Gloria - meaning glory 


11. Hermione - meaning messenger of God


12. Juniper - meaning young 



13. Joy - meaning happiness


14. Ivy - meaning faithfulness


15. Kris - meaning bearing Christ 


16. Mary - meaning wished-for child 


17. Natalie - meaning Christmas Day 


18. Nicola - meaning victory



19. Noelle - meaning Christmas


20. Robyn - meaning bright, shining


21. Starr - meaning star


Do you have a favourite name? 

