A lot of kids can struggle with maths and spending anywhere from six to eight weeks away from the classroom environment can mean they can begin to forget what they learned throughout the year.
However, just because it's summer doesn't mean your little one can't keep learning:
Pocket money
Encourage your child to do work around the house that you will subsequently pay them for. Write up a list of jobs you would like them to do and beside it write how much you are willing to pay them to do the job. When they have completed their task, get them to work out just how much money you owe them without using a calculator. For older kids, who have a little bit more confidence in the subject, pay by the minute or by the hour to make it a slightly harder calculation.
Cook with them
Involve your little one when you are baking or cooking. Get them to read the recipe and to measure out the ingredients. This will help to teach them about weight and measuring and the importance of being accurate with their measurements when it comes to cooking, especially baking.
If you go out for a family meal during the holidays, get your son or daughter to calculate the bill and to work out the tip on their own. When the bill comes, encourage your child to count up the money and to work out the change.
Books are a great way to help your child learn a tricky subject. These books in particular are great for teaching your little one about maths without overcomplicating it. During the summer, provide your little one with plenty of book so that they can pick one up and have a read through themselves. Don’t tell them that they are there to help them with maths as they will probably try to avoid them at all costs.
Get them thinking about numbers
Get your child thinking about numbers by trying to estimate things. Ask them to estimate the number of books or teddies they have in their room before sitting down and counting them all. This will help them become more aware of numbers and see how maths factors in to things at home. 

