Contary to what children may believe, homework is not simply a way to get them to do more work after hours, it is actually a fantastic way to put into practice what they learnt in school.
To make the task more beneficial for them, follow these five tips:
Don’t do it for them
If you are constantly giving them answers, they won’t benefit from the task of doing homework. Let them work it out, but if they are really struggling you can give them a hand. However, rather than giving the answer straight up, offer guidance and work through it with them.
Get them to explain it to you
Show an interest in what they are doing and ask them to explain how they came to a certain answer or conclusion. If they have no problem teaching you, then you will know that they understand it. However, if you do decide to take this approach, it is important you don’t make it seem like explaining it to you is more work.
Consistency is key
Doing their homework at the same time each day will mean that they are in the right frame of mind. Try to choose a time that works, keeping in mind that it could be different for each of your children. Straight after school will mean things are still fresh in their mind but for some children who like to unwind before getting back into it, after dinner can be a good time. Figure out what works as it will be more beneficial for them that way.
Apply things to the real world
Certain subjects can often be met with a ‘what is the point of this?’ attitude, so you need to show them what the point is. For example, explain how the maths equation that they are working on will help them when they are older. This can often give children perspective on what they are learning, helping them to get a greater understanding of why they are learning it.
Praise effort
If you know your little one truly worked hard on a piece, praise them for their efforts – even if they don’t pay off. Children thrive off positive feedback so give it to them as much as possible. Associating homework with encouraging responses will push them to keep trying.

