For some new parents, it can be hard to know how to actually incorporate playtime into a newborn’s day.
After all, they spend the majority of their time feeding and sleeping!
However, there are many things you can do to stimulate your baby’s important senses which can stimulate their brain.
While it can be good for baby to simply gaze around and take in this new world around them, there are also some things you can do that will not only stimulate baby’s brain but also encourage closeness and bonding with your new baby.
While a baby’s sense of taste is obviously limited, they also have sight, hearing and touch to be stimulated.
A newborn is nearsighted so they cannot see very far so to stimulate baby’s sense of sight you will need to be close to him.
Try making silly faces or waving your hands, baby’s love exaggerated motions and love to watch you. Books can also simulate a baby’s sight, especially those with black and white or high contrast patterns.
Flash cards can also do the same trick. Babies will be mesmerised by the patterns and shapes.
A mobile will also stimulate your baby’s sense of sight as they lay in their crib.
Many babies love music. You can try and play all different styles for baby and see how he reacts to each one.
Maybe he might be a classical maestro or a future rock star!
Not only will dancing with baby to music encourages closeness but he will love the relaxing swaying motion.
While it will be up to three months until baby actually reaches out to grab things from you, he will still love the feel of soft toys.
Babies also love things with funny fabrics or interesting shapes. Always supervise your newborn when he is holding or playing with anything.
You can also begin incorporating tummy time into your baby’s routine at this early stage. Just ensure he is alert and never allow baby to sleep on his tummy. 

