We all know there's a link between drinking water and losing weight, but do we actually know why?

Figuring out the background to this connection will encourage you to include more water in your diet which will have a positive effect on your overall health and make it easier to shed the pounds.

When you know why you're doing something, it's easier to include the change or habit in your day-to-day life, so why not get to grips with exactly how H20 affects your diet and nutrition plan?

Information is power, after all!

1. Water controls your appetite

If you drink a glass of water before sitting down to a meal, you're not as likely to overeat because the water has ensured a comfortable, full feeling.

2. Water prevents dehydration

If you're dehydrated, you're likely to suffer from headaches or begin to feel sluggish. This combination of feelings isn't going to encourage you to hit the gym, is it? In other words, by staying hydrated and focused, you're more likely to achieve your work-out goals than if you scrimp on the H2O!

3. Water minimises snack cravings

Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Dieticians and nutritionists recommend we drink a glass of water and wait ten minutes before reaching for the snack we're certain we need. Identifying thirst or dehydration is a foolproof way of sticking to your weight-loss goals.

4. Water aids digestion

If you don't include enough water in your diet, you'll find your metabolism begins to slow down and your energy levels will decrease. In order to lose weight you need to increase your metabolism and keep up your energy levels, so get sipping pronto!

5. Water jumpstarts your metabolism

A glass of ice-cold water works wonders for your weight-loss goals because in order to warm the water your body has to work harder thereby boosting your metabolism and burning more calories.

Tips on how to include more water in your diet

1. Replace

Replace your morning coffee with a glass of warm water and lemon to kickstart your metabolism and flush out your system. It'll soon become a habit, we promise!

2. Carry

Carry a litre bottle of water with you and you'll be surprised how much you get through when mindlessly sipping!

3. Suck

Use a straw, if possible. Drinking through a straw means we consume more liquid so if you're concerned you won't make it through that bottle on your desk, add a straw and prepare to be surprised!

4. Dilute

If you find you can't stomach a full glass of water, compromise and dilute your normal morning juice with some H2O. It's a start!

5. Track

Track your water intake with a handy app. You''ll be surprised how much recording your daily intake will increase your efforts!


