The best age for your little one to start experiencing sleepovers is usually from the age of eight; while younger kids like the idea of a sleepover, they might not be ready for it and feel overwhelmed.
Here are five tips for hosting a sleepover:
Keep it to the school holidays
Avoid hosting a slumber party during the school term, even if it is at the weekend. Your little one will no doubt miss out on sleep and this will cause them to become cranky during the week.
Limit the number of children you invite over
Try to limit the number of children you invite to about two, preferably keep it to one guest. The more kids you have over the bigger the risk of something happening like fighting and the higher the chance one will want to go home, no matter what time it may be.
Have a schedule
Make sure you have enough entertainment ideas to keep the kids occupied - a bored youngster becomes a destructive youngster. It doesn’t have to be a rigid plan but an idea of what will happen, like pizza, playtime, snack and movie. Get your youngster involved in this to avoid cries of wanting to do something else.
Make sure you have enough entertainment ideas to keep the kids occupied - a bored youngster becomes a destructive youngster. It doesn’t have to be a rigid plan but an idea of what will happen, like pizza, playtime, snack and movie. Get your youngster involved in this to avoid cries of wanting to do something else.
Stick to a reasonable bedtime
There is no doubt that your little one will want to stay up as late as possible, avoid this at all costs. The longer they stay up, the longer you will have to stay up to keep an eye on them. Be reasonable with your time and don’t expect them to go to bed at their normal time. An extra hour will be plenty otherwise they will just become overtired and won’t be able to enjoy themselves.
Keep parents updated
Many parents worry when their little one is on their first sleepover, so keep your guests’ parents informed that everything is ok. One text to say they are settled into bed will be enough to calm any fears that they may have.
Don’t be afraid to use discipline and let them know that misbehaving will not be tolerated.