While “the talk” is never easy to have with your tween, sex is still an important topic to discuss with your child. If you’re able to provide your tween with all the information they need to hear, you can feel rest assured that you can trust them with whatever lies ahead.
A series of talks
When approaching the topic of sex with your tween, it can be a good idea to break up “the talk” into series of talks. There are some things your tween is simply not ready to hear and it can be a lot of information for them to absorb. It’s still important that you are open to whatever questions your tween raises though, as this can be often a sign that they’re ready to learn about certain topics surrounding sex.
Already aware
Your tween is probably more aware than you think when it comes to the topic of sex. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the sex conversation with your tween, if anything, you need to have “the talk” even more with your tween. The talk is not only essential to ensure your tween is properly educated on the topic, but to help them to tell the difference between the facts and myths surrounding sex.
Comfortable with the subject
While talking about sex is never easy, you need to ensure that you as a parent are comfortable with the topic. If you act embarrassed about sex, your tween will unfortunately start to do the same. Your tween needs to be able to talk to you about many things that they are worried about in life, including sex.
Not an interrogation
While it’s important that your tween should be aware of everything that comes with sex, including the possibilities of STD’s and pregnancies, you shouldn’t be turning the conversation into an interrogation either. Approach “the talk” like any other conversation you have with your tween and ensure that it is a one way talk, your tween should be the only one asking questions. If you interrogate your tween on sex, they won’t approach you on the topic again, or any topic for that matter.

