Ever wish your child was a little bit more organised? While some mums are lucky enough to have kids who are naturally organised, there are a few who may need a little help in the right direction.
Here are a few tips to help you get them started:
Establish a routine for them
Establishing a routine will help your child become familiar with being organised. For example, why not have a set routine that they stick to when they come in from school. Simple routines like getting them to change their clothes, having their lunch and doing their homework before playtime are easy to stick to.
Get them involved in creating a weekly schedule
The key to being organised is knowing when things need to be done. Lists are a great way to ensure your little one won’t forget their book report or art supplies or the fact that they have PE one day and not another. It is also a great routine to get them into  when they are doing their homework. At the start of each week, get them to write down what afterschool activities they need to get ready for and any reports due that week. They can add to the list as the week progresses and as each task is completed, get them to tick it off.
Encourage them to manage their time
A timer is a great way to help keep your kids focus on a particular activity. When they start their homework, make sure they don’t spend too much time on one particular topic or if they need to clean their room before going out to play, a timer is a great way to keep them focused.
Make a study area for them
Having a particular area in the house that is dedicated to study will ensure your child is organised and less likely to forget things. It is a great way to teach them that by keeping things together in one area they are less likely to lose or forget something.
Shower them in praise 
Make sure you praise them when they show signs of being organised. The positive attention will mean they are likely to keep the good work up.
Fortunately, all it takes is a little bit of practice and your child will have skills that they will take with them right through to adulthood. 

