There have been so many reports in recent times of parents hearing voices coming through their baby’s monitor, that it is important to be wary. Just like other forms of technology, monitors that work via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or any other internet connection are vulnerable to hackers.


While it is unfortunately easy enough for people who have the skills and equipment to hack into the device, with a few little precautionary measures you and your family can stay safe.


1. Turn it off when not in use

Never leave your device on 24/7 - the longer it is on the easier it is to hack into. Turn it off during the day and when you are in the same room as Baby.


2. Protect your Wi-Fi

People can hack into the monitor via your Wi-Fi so make sure it’s encrypted and has a secure password – not the default one.


3. Update when available

Make sure you update your software whenever one is available – this will mean your device will have all the latest upgrades and protections installed. This will usually mean registering on a website but it will be a few minutes of your time well spent.



4. Choose one not connected to the internet

While it can be a little tricky these days, consider a monitor that doesn’t hook up to the internet or doesn’t need Bluetooth to work.


5. Disable applications that your aren’t using

If you don’t plan on using the camera aspect or simply want to see your baby rather than hear them, disable what you’re not using. The less aspects that can be hacked into the better.


6. Change all default passwords

All monitors are given a default password that is usually quite long and complicated, but you should always change it to your own personal one as soon as you set it up.


