Between getting the kids ready for school, doing the school run and tending to a whole host of family and work responsibilities, it can be very easy for us busy mums to put breakfast on the long finger.

Before we know it, it's lunch time and we've forgotten to break the fast we imposed on ourselves since bed time the night before.

While it may not seem like too big a deal, it really is, especially if you hope to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Would you send you child out the door without a full tummy? We don't think so, so make sure you treat yourself and your body with the care and respect you deserve.

Here are just five reasons why skipping breakfast is not an option.

1. Controls weight

If you skip breakfast, you're much more likely to binge once mid-morning or lunchtime rolls around, making it very difficult to keep an eye on your diet goals.

Top tip: Fill up on eggs or porridge in order to stay fuller for longer which makes you far less likely to pick on unhealthy snacks throughout the day.


2. Provides energy

If you find yourself flagging throughout the morning, chances are you didn't fuel your body with the energy it so desperately needs to undertake your numerous tasks and chores throughout the day.

Top tip: Prepare the ingredients needed for breakfast the night before if you think you're likely to skip it the next morning.


3. Improves concentration

Your brain needs fuel in order to work to the best of its ability, so if you don't eat before properly beginning your day you're only setting yourself up for failure.

Top tip: If you can't stomach food early in the morning, then why not sip on a fruit smoothie as you prepare for the day ahead?

4. Provides you with essential vitamins and minerals

Studies have shown that the essential nutrients you miss out on if you skip breakfast are unlikely to be replaced sufficiently throughout the rest of the day.

Top tip: A breakfast as simple as orange juice and a banana will set you up for the day ahead.

5. Prevents against diseases

By fuelling your body every morning with the nutrients your body needs, you will help prevent against obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Top tip: Remember why you provide your children with a healthy breakfast every morning and apply the same rules to yourself.



