We all know that people gain and lose weight differently.

We also know that some people boast fast metabolisms while others have to work hard to increase their sluggish one.

Eating less and moving more is a failsafe method for most while others swear by the detox diet approach.

The bottom line is we all carry weight in different places, respond differently to various food groups and must identify an approach to health and fitness which suits our needs – a method which requires patience, determination and regular implementation.

In other words, assessing your body's needs properly can't be done with one teeny test.

If, however, you're a sucker for a quick-fix and want a quick and simple way to ascertain whether some work needs to be done on that bod of yours then the following may be of interest to you.

Grab a length of string and cut it to your height, then fold that piece of string in half and wrap it around your waist.

If the string overlaps, then you are in what may be considered a safe zone when it comes to body fat; if however the string doesn't overlap, then you may need to focus on toning up that tum and trimming down that waist.

But remember, this is only one very simple way to assess your midriff region, so don't get too caught up on the results if you're already following a nutrition and fitness plan which suits your needs and goals!


