As every mum will be all too familiar with, most people see pregnancy as a free-for-all to ask invasive and often insulting questions - a mentality that doesn't stop after the mum gives birth. 


With this in mind, we’ve come up with a list of unacceptable questions to ask new mums that you can pass out to intrusive friends, relatives and work colleagues!


1. (Jokingly) "Are you sure she’s yours?"

You may be jokingly pointing out the fact that this tiny little person that they pushed out of a hole much too small for their head doesn't look like them, but seriously? The mum is hormonal and exhausted - are you trying to push her over the edge?



2. "Are you breastfeeding?"

It's not OK to ask questions about a woman's boobs before she has a baby. And it's not OK after either. 


3. "You look tired - can I help?"

Give yourself a pat on the back for offering your services to an exhausted new mum; but give yourself a clip over the ear for commenting on her appearance. 


4. "Are you free this evening?"

Seems innocent enough, right? Wrong! The new mum has literally just welcomed a new little person into their life, don't try to make her feel guilty for turning you down because she wants to enjoy this time with her family. 



5. "You’ll be popping out another in no time, right?"

She literally JUST popped one out now - give her a chance to actually get her breath back. 


6. "When I had my first we borrowed - do you REALLY need such a fancy buggy?"

It's not YOUR money, so it's not your call. Plus it kind of sound like the green-eyed monster is rearing its ugly head. 


7. "Let me show you how to hold him properly, OK?"

Are you the Queen of all things Baby? No. Let her enjoy this learning time - she'll get the hang of it in her own time. 



8. "Ah, he must be hungry, don't you think?"

Not every cry means they are hungry, and unless you've been with this little baby 24/7 since their birth you can't possibly know why they are unsettled. You might have a fair idea, but you can't know for sure. 


9. "Why don't you share the nightfeeds?"

Fair play to you for pointing out something she probably has never even considered (can you hear our sarcastic tone...).


10. "Have you started thinking about schools?"

If she doesn't laugh in your face at that one she totally deserves a medal. 



SHARE the most annoying question you were ever asked!


