One sassy little girl knows what she wants – and she isn’t afraid to let her lovesick classmate know it!


Poor Noah has been given the bum’s rush by Zoë, who wants him to get the message that she’s basically just not into him.


Penning a note titled Rules + Regulations, Zoë tells Noah not to play with her on the bus, touch her shoulder or ruin her day – because she’s too young for a BF (boyfriend).


“Do not speak to me unless it’s a greeting which will be never,” she writes.


“You like me but I don’t like you.”


And if he breaks any of these rules he’s in for some stern retribution.



“If you break any of these rules I’m calling my mom, my mom’s friend, my fake mom and a janator [sic] I know!!!” she threatens.


And just because she really, really wants him to get the message – lest there be any confusion – she insists he reread the rules 500 times.


“If you ruin my day I’m going to have to go to counseling [sic]!” she finishes. “Stop playing with me!”


The hilarious note was posted on Twitter by user @DennyDimples, who was sent it by a friend.


“My friend who's a 5th grade teacher just sent this to me!” she wrote. “I'm dead!”




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