Ever gaze longingly at the old couple who still manage to walk hand-in-hand down the road and wonder if you and your other half will be like that?


While every relationship is as individual as the people involved and thrives on various things, the following habits will go a long way in ensuring you stay strong and healthy.


1. Having good communication

You may talk to each other every day, but do you really talk to each other? Sitting down and watching TV together while commenting on what’s happening is very different to having a conversation about your day without any distractions.


2. Remaining friends

While sexual attraction is an important part of a relationship, so too is friendship. While this doesn’t mean you exclude outside friendships, having this type of connection with your other half will help promote a strong and healthy relationship.


3. Giving each other respect

Respect comes in many forms - respecting their decisions, respecting their opinions and their aspirations, and not putting them down if they have different views from yours.



4. Offering plenty of support

Whether it’s to start a new career, go back to college or even pick up a hobby, support rather than put-downs are what you need to give them. 


5. Having outside interests

While it is good to have similar interests enjoying hobbies away from each other can actually strengthen your bond – absence makes the heart grow fonder!


6. Picking and choosing battles  

Don’t sweat the small things like who has to empty the bins or who has to put the dog out, rather focus on the bigger picture and quit the bickering. 


