1. Tell us a little about your background and venture.


My name is Louise Webster and I'm a mother of two and the founder of Beyondtheschoolrun.com. It is a website that provides a place to inspire, engage and connect parents with their skills and talents in the hours available to them.  I am also the Author of ‘A New Way for Mothers’ which published on 1 August 2017 in the USA and is available worldwide (including Amazon).  I am deeply passionate about the potential of the parent talent.


2. What was the defining moment that stands out for you in all of this?


There were 2, the first was when I set up the website and I didn’t really know where it would lead. I just felt extremely passionate about the need for change.  So when I received an email from No.10 Downing Street about 6 months after the launch of the website inviting me in, it really kept me focused on my journey.  The second was my book deal with a publisher in the USA.  I never imagined I would write a book and when this came about it was very defining.


3. How do you juggle motherhood with your work?


I find exercise really keeps my energy up and my head clear, 30 minutes early morning can really reshape my day.  I write about this a lot in my book, about how I explored finding my flow and also moving between caring and work. It is always a juggle! 


4. What are some of the benefits and challenges you encounter when running your own things?


I get to work in my gym kit whenever possible, no commute and I have more time to focus on what I love.  The challenge is staying motivated when you work at home and on your own.  That is one of the purposes of Beyondtheschoolrun.com, to support parents in staying motivated, connected and engaged.  We have a great community of parents in our Facebook group where we have daily inspiration and opportunities.


5. What advice would you have to other mums who may want to go out on their own?


Follow your heart, it’s not always clear where it might lead but go step by step.  Use the hours you have available to you wisely.  I think it is important to take some time to explore in what ways you would like to work on your own, is it to set up a business from the beginning, work freelance or possibly run a business connected to a bigger organisation. 


6. What is the best piece advice you have been given in relation to getting the work/life balance right?


This wasn’t given to me directly, but I keep this quote on my desk: “ Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life…have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”  Steve Jobs.  


I think the closer we come to our true selves then the clearer this journey becomes and it is no longer a divide between work and motherhood.

