In a twist of fate that has baffled doctors around the world, Australian mum Kate Hill fell pregnant twice in a two-week period. 



Kate was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome a few years back, and was told that conceiving a child would be a difficult task. 



Kate underwent a course of hormone treatments, and discovered she was pregnant with her first baby a couple of months later.



However, Kate and her husband Peter were shocked to discover that Kate fell pregnant AGAIN just 10 days after discovering the first pregnancy. 



This is only the tenth documented case of what is called "Superfetation", which is when a woman falls pregnant while already pregnant. 


Most women do not ovulate when they become pregnant, but Kate did.



Little Charlotte and Olivia were even given two different due dates: Dec. 20, 2015 and Dec. 30, 2015 (bizarre, right?).


The two girls were born together, two days before a scheduled Caesarean section was to take place. 



The girls are classed as non-identical twins, and measured totally different weights and sizes when they were born and even have different blood types. 


What a wonderful miracle for Peter and Kate. 


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