Looking after a newborn can be challenging on many levels, and every kind and generous gesture can help you out when you are really struggling. Luckily for British mum Joanne Plane, a single mum-of-two, there were plenty of people waiting to aid her in her hour of need.


The 23-year-old took to Facebook recently issuing a plea for help while breastfeeding her daughter Evelyn, who was born six weeks premature, five months ago.


Ms Plane was adamant that she wanted to breastfeed, but a number of obstacles stood in her way – Evelyn struggled to latch on having been fed by a tube, while her four-year-old son needed an extra hand after breaking his arm.


Worried about her dwindling breastmilk supply, Ms Plane issued an urgent plea for extra milk on a Facebook breastfeeding community page, Human Milk 4 Human Babies.



Speaking to local newspaper the Manchester Evening News, the mother-of-two said: “I know every mum goes through this, but I am on my own and it was so difficult and something had to give, so I started sleeping a little more when she did. But that meant I missed a pumping session or two.”


“The freezer stash of breast milk I’d built up started going down and, before I knew it, I was all out of breast milk with a low supply and a very hungry baby girl,” she added.


Thankfully, the wonderful women from the Facebook community were able to help out Joanne and her little one, and she has been inundated with offers to help feed Evelyn.


Sometimes all you need to do is reach out, and help will be waiting. Well done to those fantastic mums.


