One mum has penned an emotional letter to her young daughter with the hope that it will boost the young girl’s confidence.


Toni Hammer took to Facebook to share the piece where she encourages her daughter to stop saying sorry.


We are all guilty of apologising for things that weren’t our fault. The mum understands that it’s a bad habit that many of us can’t shake.


She wants her daughter to grow in a world where she doesn’t feel guilty for expressing her opinion. She says young girls need to know making mistakes and having flaws is a part of life.


She writes, “Don't say "sorry to be such a pain." You're not a pain. You're a person with thoughts and feelings who deserves respect.”


The mum goes on to talk about taking responsibility for something that wasn’t our fault, “Don't apologize when someone else bumps into you.”



She explains to her daughter that she doesn’t have to date someone just because they asked her out, “You don't owe anyone an explanation. A simple "no thanks" should be acceptable.”


Toni encourages her daughter to eat when she is hungry and not to let others influence what she eats, “If you're hungry, eat, and eat what you want. If you want pizza, don't get a salad just because other people are around. Order the damn pizza.”


One of the most touching things she says is about her daughter’s appearance. She tells her daughter she shouldn’t do things just to please others. Her own happiness is far more important, “Don't keep your hair long to make someone else happy. Don't wear a dress if you don't want to.”


She teaches her daughter about the importance of enjoying your own company. Do not be ashamed of being by yourself, “Don't stay home because you don't have anyone to go out with. Take yourself out. Have experiences by yourself and for yourself.”


The caring mum encourages the young girl to let her emotions out. She believes bottling things up can be unhealthy, “Don't hold back your tears. Crying means you're feeling something that needs to get out. It's not a weakness. It's being human.”



She tells her daughter to smile when she feels like it, not because someone tells her to. She goes on to say she should never be afraid to laugh at her own jokes.


She advises her to share what’s on her mind, her opinions are valuable and she should share them if she feels like it.


She ends the letter by saying, “Be brave and bold and beautiful. Be unapologetically you,” which is something we should all do.

